Only Aged People Need Celergen, True or False? - Celergen Switzerland
Only Aged People Need Celergen, True or False?
January 28, 2017

Only Aged People Need Celergen, True or False?

Strong as a bull, young as a whippersnapper, the power to take on the world, and the ability to abuse your body in any way while recovering from it in no time. This is the gift of youth. People in general tend to not worry about their health until later on in life.

The most common misconception about being young is that your body doesn’t feel any lasting effects from how it is treated. But the truth of the matter is, how you treat your body today will influence your health for the rest of your life.

With this in mind, there is justification that lifestyle modification should begin in the early years rather than the later years. This is also known as “biological aging.” Biological aging is irrespective of the actual chronological age of the individual but reflects an individual’s development based on biomarkers which measure the cellular age of his body and health.

Only Aged People Need Celergen, True or False?

Today, we know of many young individuals who suffer from premature aging and are suffering from metabolic ailments like chronic fatigue, diabetes, joint pain, high blood pressure and even sexual dysfunction in the early 30s. They are in the prime of their lives. Premature or biological aging occurs without any symptoms and can begin at any time in life.

Celergen is therefore effective for individuals who desire a healthy life with energy, vitality and youth, regardless of their age. Taking a potent effective supplement like Celergen early may help to arrest biological aging, stimulate cell renewal and repair and prevents the onset or progression of degenerative diseases.

Celergen is the World’s Only Swiss Marine Oral Cell Therapy Supplement, clinically-proven to enhance the body’s natural ability to revitalize and heal itself. The active ingredients in Celergen provides your body with the nutrients essential to boosting the production of proteins and enzymes needed for self-

repair and crucial for retaining a youthful vitality. The free radical theory of aging postulates that we age because of damage to our cells over time. Clinical studies show that the Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex in Celergen reduces many of the physical symptoms of aging and enhances physical wellbeing. Studies also suggested that it is an effective antioxidant that can retard or postpone cellular aging by countering the harmful effects of damaging free radicals.

Dr. Glen Guillet, of Anti-Aging Cell Therapy of Texas, says, “At 74, after bypass surgery, I figured things might never get better. Enter Celergen! I no longer wear a back brace, I work 14 hours a day, and I never complain of being tired.” Now if this is what Celergen can do for someone at 74, imagine what it can do from someone at 24. The implications it has for a long, healthy, and fulfilling life are unlimited.

Don’t wait until you think you need it, give your body what it deserves today.



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